Anatomy of a Outrage


A Culture of Treachery- Lies and Conspiracies – all in the name of Justice


It began as a routine research inquiry into judicial misconduct, triggered by the conviction and incarceration of former Judge Marcus Einfeld. That inquiry was followed by another over the leniency afforded to an evidence tampering Justice Jeff Shaw (NSW). These and other cases have opened up a Pandora’s box of treason and treachery within the Australian justice and legal system. Specifically those of the states of Queensland and New South Wales.

So why was Marcus Einfeld unceremoniously and publicly pilloried, then jailed for his misconduct? Was it anti-Semitism? many suggest it was. By contrast, former NSW Supreme Court judge Jeff Shaw, was decorated with the Order of Australia and given a state funeral by Bob Carr inspite of his more serious acts of misconduct of theft and evidence tampering (stealing his blood sample from a police lab lock up).

Investigating the historical background to corruption in the Australian justice and legal system has yielded a treasure trove of previously unreported material. Amongst these is the chequered background to an otherwise ‘illustrious and unimpeachable’ window dressed history of the late justice Owen Dixon. Dixon indulged in plagiarism, dishonesty, and deceit during his term as a judge. Yet his judgments are still quoted by Australian lawyers and judges to this day.

With Lionel Murphy, it was the fixing of cases through improper interference. And like the late Judge Guy Andrews in Queensland, death intervened to rescue Murphy from the embarrassment of a public flogging into his misconduct.


There are numerous other cases of interest we have unearthed, courtesy of contributions by academics, judges, and lawyers. Some of them retired, others still very active in their professions. They all have one thing in common. The pursuit of justice and a Royal Commission into judicial and lawyer misconduct.

This first part of our ‘spill’ of hacked documents, begins with the transcripts of the hearing in BS8866 & BS 8867 of 2019. It is an egregious example of judicial bias, incompetence and lawyer misconduct. Attached to it is a slew of other documents that shows the depth of a conspiracy that was ignored by lawyers and judges asleep on the job. 

The 15-year-old Mango Hill Litigation leading to the judgment of Homes in BS 8866 & BS 8867 is a microcosm of a much larger problem (See previously published stories “Tall Trees and Crooked Timbers” – “A Crime of Law and Justice“).


We begin by publishing the transcripts of the 3 days hearing of BS8866 & BS8867 of 2019. It includes snippets of internal intra-party communications, revealing the fraud, the intention to defraud, leading to the theft of $20 million from an award. It traces a plan to deceive creditors owed millions of dollars and a smash-and-grab by powerful lawyers leveraging litigation exhaustion and the threat and imposition of punitive costs as a means of gagging and silencing opponents.

BS8866 & BS8867 is a trial in which the presiding judge, Catherine Holmes CJ (as she was then), appears to have vandalized the proceedings, inspite of overwhelming evidence of fraud and admission of criminality by lawyers. 

A silk, speaking on condition of anonymity, having reviewed Holmes’s judgment in this matter, shook his head and said “it couldn’t get any worse than this could it? A judge out of her depth. Supplicants before a weak and willing God “.

Lawyers Ashurst and Mills & Oakley were unwary and not as vigilant as they ought to have been in this matter paving the way for the fraud and theft of $20 million to succeed. They betrayed their own clients. Or so it seems. Or was it a fee grab?

Complaints to the Legal Services Commission and the Attorney General have gone unattended for over 2 years.

There is more to come.

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