Anthony Albanese, Kevin Rudd, and Malcolm Turnbull strike some as a trio of bumbling stooges, inexplicably amusing to ABC’s self-styled pundits who squandered over $3 million in taxpayer funds sniping at Donald Trump’s odds of reclaiming the presidency.

There’s more. Julia Gillard, Tony Abbot, Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull all sanctioned the ALP goverment’s decision to ‘donate’ AUD$380,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation to “outsource some of Australia’s international obligations” as part of some bilateral international treaty with the USA. The people of Australia did not know about this generous act by their goverment and with good reason. It was a indulgence by the wokes in goverment in their noble effort to see a first woman in the White House as US president- The money in its entirety went to Hillary Clinton’s failed tilt at the US presidency.

Enter Chas Licciardello and John Barron—two unabashed clowns whose taxpayer-funded soapbox on the ABC didn’t just mock the U.S. president but painted a target on Australia’s back for punitive sanctions. Their antics, greenlit by a complicit broadcaster, turned political critique into a diplomatic liability.

Then there’s Jacqui Lambie, embodying another 30% of Australia’s woes, steeped as she is in the mire of identity politics. As the local saying goes, “If she had another brain in her head, it’d be lonely.” This Tasmanian firebrand wants to flex muscle at the U.S. over Pine Gap, oblivious to its role as a linchpin of our security in a volatile, hostile world. Never mind that she once wore the uniform of our armed forces—part of the same defense establishment so asleep at the wheel it took a Virgin Airlines pilot to spot Chinese warships firing live rounds in our maritime economic zone, a naval stunt we were blissfully ignorant of until then.

Australia had over four years to brace for Trump’s return, yet Albanese—long suspected a fool—opened his mouth, echoing the ABC’s buffoons, and erased any doubt about his intellectual vacancy.

The Labor government and the policy-starved Liberals flounder, bereft of strategies to counter Trump’s predictable threats of sanctions or his stance on Ukraine. They’re adrift, and the world sees it plain as day. Worse, they swallowed anti-Semitic propaganda peddled by Israel and its local cheerleaders, rushing to pass ill-defined laws without grasping who Semites even are—based, no less, on “false flag” incidents in Sydney and Melbourne, hyped as anti-Jewish terrorism until police debunked the narrative.

Let’s start with a universal definition: a Semite pertains to a subfamily of Afro-Asiatic languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Amharic—encompassing Jews, Palestinians, and other Arabs, not European Jews alone, despite their claims.

Albanese, chest puffed out in a parody of resolve, defends his ineptitude while the nation watches. He ought to be hauled from office and booted out with the ceremony he deserves—none at all.

Krishna Narainan

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